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Franklin-98 Living Shoreline progress!

With years in the making, going back to 2019, we are excited to announce we have ROCKS IN THE WATER. Construction of our reefs began in October 2023 and has progressed through the beginning of January 2024. We were able to complete approximately 4,470 tons of reef laid during this period of time.

To the left, you can see in detail the structure and profile of the reefs. Stakes are used to outline the reefs and guide the placement of the dolomitic limestones used in the project.

The series of pictures to follow show the process of construction. A chain of excavators are utilized to place the stones. Segments of reef work in unison to reduce the wave energy; notice the flat water behind it. The middle photo shows a completed segment of reef.

The next series of images showcase the planting utilized in our project. Top right are plants that have been planted since September 2023. They survived a nuber of tropical and winter storms. Top right shows fresh plantings with the nearshore reef in the background. We utilized clumps, also shown in the bottom right image. The bottom left is an image of the Spartina during late December, 2023. The plantings are not as divided (4”x4”) and dispersed as some other restorations projects. Rather, we are implementing clumpings of about a meter, spaced a meter apart, in an alternating checkerboard pattern.



      2507 Callaway Road, Suite 100, Tallahassee, FL 32303                         Phone: (850) 488-6211                        Fax: (850) 488-1616       

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